Desert Reign Church
Southland Christian Academy is owned by and is a ministry of Desert Reign Assembly of God Church.
Desert Reign Assembly is located at 11610 Lakewood Blvd., Downey, CA. Church services are on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM and on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. A children’s church and nursery care are provided. Wednesday night services include a Royal Rangers program for boys (similar to Boy Scouts) and a Girl’s Club program for girls (similar to Girl Scouts). Adult Bible study is held in the sanctuary and nursery care is provided for children under three. Desert Reign has a youth pastor with a dynamic ministry to the teens. The youth meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM and on Sunday mornings after our time of worship. If your family is looking for a new church home, please call the church office for more information at (562) 861-6011. We would love to welcome you and your family as our guests!
More information:
Find out more about Desert Reign church by visiting their website at